Friday, November 17, 2006

Book case quilt.

toti 009
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is the final stages of the bookcase quilt I made for Flamboyant school. I loved making this quilt and used fabrics I had collected from all over the world.
It is very tactile with all the embellishments and hopefully the children will be allowed to touch it as it hangs in the library.

Tea cups!

Tea cups!
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I collect, amongst other items, pretty tea cups and saucers and plates. I won these paper pieced tea cups at the guild in White River/Nelspruit and then put them together.
Rather charming, I think.


Izotsha 008
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
The Beaders. My sister, Henny, Paddy and Margaret had great fun doing the beading course. That class was voted the noisiest class at Izotsha! Does that surprise us?mmmmm.
Robyn escaped having her picture taken.


Izotsha 012
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Aren't I lucky! Off to my second quilting retreat! This is the third I have attended the retreat at Izotsha. Robyn, my sister and I motor down together and this time Thembi our house helper came along as well as an outreach programme was being run by Daphne Reinbach.
I did the "Basket with a twist" course with Mary and Thalia. It was lots of hard work but I am sure will be worth it once the project is completed.

have a heart!

have a heart!
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These little hearts were made using fabrics bought in the market in Bangkok.
I do not usually like using the heart pattern but maybe I am getting over that!


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I streamlined this pattern a little as the border was rather fiddly.
The buttons were purchased in K.L. Malaysia.

Miniature Basket.

miniatures 1
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This littlebasket of folded flowers was taught to us by Margaret a fellow miniatue enthusiast.
I enjoy the miniatures as one can begin and complete a task in a few hours.

Sew Little.

Sew Little.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I have joined a second quilting group and managed to get to a few meetings. This group focuses on miniature quilts and calls itself "Sew little."
This is our little emblem.

Umgeni Valley KZN

valley umgeni 020
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Our hostess and teacher Elizabeth Barrata busy quilting my completed butterfly quilt on her magic quilting machine.
Thank you Elizabeth, we all had a wonderful weekend.
Hopefully, if the coffers are full we will see you again next year.

Umgeni Valley

valley umgeni 019
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is my "piece de resistance"! I used specially chosen fabrics and my butterfly looks pretty good. My first piece in the background I enjoyed doing but did not enjoy the selction of fabrics I used. I want to do it again using Amish colours.

valley umgeni 016
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Our motivator, Marilyn Gosnell, determined to complete her quilt. The weekend had a definite Swazi feel about it as we reminisced about the good old days.
Marilyn started a magnificent quilt in wonderful bright starry fabrics. Marilyn worked till all hours to get as much work done as possible.
I look forward to seeing the finished article.

Umgeni Valley

Umgeni Valley
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Look at the selection of fabrics available for the workshops!So difficult to resist.
Wendy enjoyed finishing off a quilt which is a tribute to her friend Carol who died recently.
Wendy and i shared a room and had a great time catching up.

Umgeni Valley KZN

valley umgeni 004
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This a view of Elizabeths Bedroom. It has the most wonderful view of the valley.
How inspirational for her as our view from the workroom was for us.

Umgeni Valley,KZN

Umgeni Valley,KZN
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
How lucky can a quilter get? Marilyn Gosnell, Wendy Moult, Dot Am and myself are off to Umgeni Valley for the weekend. Elizabeth Barrata runs a quilting retreat at her home. While she teaches downstairs her husband prepares delicious Italian fare upstairs.
We had a wonderful time. Great food. Great company, Great quilting.

Round Robin

Round Robin
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is the end result of a round robin I participated in.The centre piece was a gift to me from Jan, the pink dyed fabric was created by Di Hampson and travelled with the quilt.
This has adorned my walls in Swaziland, White River and now in Toti. I love this quilt and it has witnessed many a dinner party as it hung above my dining room table.
Thank you to all the contributors.

Going crazy.

Going crazy.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Crazy Patchwork.
My friends from White River gave this little quilt to me as a farewell gift.The two top squares are embellished with things that remind me of Mphumalanga and the bush while the two bottom squares have features of the sea. How clever as we moved from the bush to the seaside.
I will always treasure thememories of our evenings together over a glass or two of pink. Thank you Liz, Anne, Sue and Liz. I miss you!!


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Stack and Whack is fun and funky to do. I used mostly tie dyed fabrics had fun embellishing the butterflies.
Note my little "angel" I made. 2004 many friends received them for Xmas pressies.

Courthouse Steps.

Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I enjoy the exactness of this quilt. I used all my pinks and maroons. Once again I was challenged to us pretty little prints.

Toti Tuesday Quilters.

Toti quilters.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This the quilting group I hang out with. When we get together it is very noisy and there is loads of laughing.
From L to R
Henny, Mary, Paddy, Penny(me), Pam, Margaret and Rona.

chinese moon

chinese moon
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I could call this "Bad moon rising" as I found using all the satins I bought in China impossible to work with. So often I just wanted to abandon the project. Maybe I should have tried using a stablizer.I don't even think I like the finished product. The pattern is from an Australian magazine.

grans garden

grans garden
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I don't often use pretty little prints but challenged myself to use my collection to make this pleasant little quilt. The pattern is from an Australian quilt book Diana gave me.

Tisheshwe blues.

Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is one of two single bed quilts I made using traditional Tisheshwe cottons Together with the cream calico,It has a peaceful aura about it.

Community quilt.

Community quilt.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is a quilt top made of Madras (Indian) cottons. This is my contribution to the community projects.

Cottage Patch Qulters Guild.

Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is the "emblem" of my home quilting group. I am only able to attend a few meetings a year but love connecting with the quilters and attending the workshops.The guild is very community spirited and once a month the quilters get together to make quilts for various charity groups.
This was also my Mother's guild.

Have a heart!

toti 004
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This little quilt top was made by my late mother and I finished it off.
It was made to demonstrate the different methods of applique.
My Mother just loved her quilting andher quilting friends most of all!!

sj's quilt

sj's quilt
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Triple Rail. I used a lovely piece from Rosalie Dace's collection and complemented it with turquoise and purple. I introduced black into the border and it is most effective.
One of my braver colour wise quilts.

Forest triangles.

Forest triangles.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
An early attempt at using triangles.
I originally made this for Nick's bedroom.I was experiencing with light and dark.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is one two quilts made whilst living in Swaziland. One is now being used as my brother Lester's "blankie".
I love the "around the world" Pattern and used sheeting for this quilt bought from Manzini. Really the only fabrics available.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

My workroom.

toti 005
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
My thimble collection which consists of over 500 thimbles. It really has stagnated for sometime now..


toti 012
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I am trying very hard to "dent" my stash so I have reasons to purchase more fabrics. I know it does look a little chaotic but to me there issuficient order from which to create.
Each fabric has a story behind it too!

My latest machine

toti 010
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I just love my new Pfaff and wish I could take it with me wherever I venture. What a beauty!! It does the most wonderful blanket stitch applique too. Now for art quilts....!!

Original Sewing Machine

Original Sewing Machine
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This was my very first sewing machine given to me by my grandmother Alice King. I took it to college and my friends and I made many a "quick" outfit on it. While one turned the handle the other guided the fabric!! What fun we had when fabric was just 75c a meter or was it a yard.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I used loads of beads, buttons,feathers, quills, charms and safety pins. I should have done loads more time.
This quilt is loaded with memories.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Several of these fabrics conjure up such lovely memories. Top left is a bit left over from a suit I made for my Mother, the spots are from a pieceleft over from De Holley's pants, the butterfly from one of the loveliest mahia's we had.
What a super way to use up my scraps.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A close up showing my favourite little guinea fowl.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
My African quilt, named "Emoya", I used several precious pieces I have been saving since living in Swaziland.
This quilt was such fun to do, especially the embellishments.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Malaysian Batiks.

Malaysian Batiks.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A close up of one of the lovely batiks. Malaysia really does produce some lovely fabrics. I am so pleased I am all stocked up for when I go home.

Malaysian Batiks

Malaysian Batiks
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These are the divine little batiks used in the quilt and guess what! Ezel treated me to a set (20) different designs to take home and use. I spent the rest of the day stroking them and imagining how lovely a quilt using these would look
Thanks to Esel I had one of the happiest days ever and I hope we are able to keep in touch. I have never had a Turkish friend before.

Cottage Patch.

Cottage Patch.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Ezel and I loved this one too, It is using Malaysian batiks and is just lovely. I have worked out how to do this and may try it at home.
I love working with traditional fabrics so this is a great pattern to use.

Cottage Patch

Cottage Patch
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Ezel and I just loved this little Geisha quilt using Japanese prints. We have promised when I return next year and should she be living here we will do a course together and maybe this is a good option.

Cottage Patch.

Cottage Patch.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is the owner, Chan and he did not mind giving up his time to show us around and get his girls to pull out lots of wonderful quilts for us to see. Can you believe it the batteries in my camera were annoying.
It was an honour visiting this shop and connecting because our guild at home is called Cottage Patch too!!!

Cottage Patch

Cottage Patch
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Thanks to my new friend Ezel Ucok, who also is a keen quilter I had the time of my life yesterday. After a coffee at her lovely home, lunch in a great little Italian restaurant ,she brought me to Cottage Patch. My head ws spinning with all the wonderful quilts inside.

Cottage Patch

Cottage Patch
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
At last, at last.....Cottage Patch. The biggest and best Patchwork/quilting shop in Kualu Lumpur. No wonder I have never found it with it's modest signage.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Note te same little scarf on Dad's head and then also being used as a seat for Junior! How versatile can you be. They have been known to be useful when towing cars, bandaging wounds and anything imaginable.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These traditional scarves are worn by all the country people and also at special occasions. They are VERY strong as the next picture will show you.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These three little prints were purchased in the markets in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The selection of fabrics there are wonderful but these just caught my eye.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I had to buy a few of these "housecoats" for myself and my friends. We will use them just to chill in!! Unfortunately the colours run so after wearing them on a warm day you can change colour. Nevertheless, I love this turqouise.

Fabric-Tie and Dye

Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Tie and Dye Fabric.
Many saris in Jaipur are tie and dye and very beautiful. The resist is done by sewing thread through the fabric and drawing them tightly. After dying the thread is released. Voila....beautiful designs.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I just had to buy a few of these bags to give to my friends....they are bright and happy. They WILL be noticed.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Look at these divine little doorknobs in Kerala India....Thanks for the tip Tess. We are going to enjoy using them in our home.