Friday, June 29, 2007

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Originally uploaded by thebodens
I think this says it all! Cheers to life, friends, the sixties and fun. Have a glass of pink.

Back home we go to pack up and head out! We are returning to Malaysia and will base ourselves here for a few months and then onto Australia.

This is the year of travel ...!

Penny's Party

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Adrien helped organise the music. He and Mike are having a quiet chat and as usual Sarah is overseeing events. I am so thankful to Sarah, Moira, Warren and all concerned for this lovely party. It means so much to me.

Penny's Party

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Nick's turn to do a solo!!

Penny's Party

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Nick and Moira did their Zulu dance while Barry and Mary look on in amazement.

Penny's Party

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Is Nick singing, gagging, yawning or making a speech. It was great to have Nick and Moira from Malaysia. They were great fun. two out of three is not too bad. I count my blessings every day.

Penny's Party

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What is Nicole giggling about....Jan is proposing a toast to me!

Penny's Party

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Jan flew up from Durban and here she is having a chat to Gavin Sinclair from White River.

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Warren kept everyone topped up with "pink"! Wendy and John Moult drove up from Durban.
Thank you Wendy for your kind words and I get the message...NO more quilts!!

Penny's Party

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Colleen chatting to Olive Edwards, Basil and Pam Kock.

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Speech time. It looks as though I am singing but no, I left that to Warren who gave us his rendition of American Pie, Karaoke style which took about fifteen minutes,
Betty and Andrew Winter (my aunt and Uncle) look on in great amazement. It was great they could join us.

Penny's Party

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The Cookes, Joycie Brown and the Mitchells join Warren in some fine red.

Penny's Party

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Gavin leads the way with the snake dance with Joyce Brown following and Priscilla Cooke, Warren and Mary. I had to lead the way of course!

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Warren was very busy with his camera trying to catch all the action. There was plenty of that too.

Penny's Party

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My brother Richard and his wife Delia were able to come representing my three other siblings! Delia really enjoyed the Food from the East!

Penny's Party

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In addition a little Japanese sushi was thrown in d=for good measure. Well done to the restaurant for supplying us with a great menu of at least eight courses.
If you went away hungry it was your own fault!

Pennys Party.

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Sarah arranged for a day of pampering for me, Glynne gave me a facial and pedicure. In the afternoon I was taken to Sarah's hairdresser to have my hair done and he did a grand job. I felt like a queen. All the guests were invited to wear a touch of red and the tables had a red theme.
It so happens that the party took place in Sewende Laan which is the setting for favourite soapie.

PennY'S Party.

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Originally uploaded by thebodens
It is the year of the big sixty! According to the Chinese calendar it is the year of the Golden Pig. This means it is a year of good luck! It certainly is a year of celebrations for us as a family with lots of good things happening.
Sarah-Jane decided to arrange a party to celebrate my birthday. It was to be in Melville in a Chinese restaurant with delicious Chinese cuisine. Moira brought lots of little bits and pieces to decorate the venue and it all looked wonderful

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Family

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The Mitchells including Glynne, The Reeds and Warren.

The family

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William is never still for one moment. A beautiful English boy.

The Family

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Megan enjoyed swimming in the Mitchell's pool. She is turning nine this year and is growing into a lovely young girl.

The Family

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Neil looking ever so cool.


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Neil and Lisa and their children paid a visit to Johannesburg from the U.K. before heading off for the Cape to stay with Mark and Almarie.
We were invited to go to the Mitchells in Carletonville where we had a day with the family.

the 47ers
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Patty and John Lees with Warren standing in the background. Patty and Fern were going to London where they were to be joined by Fe and the the three golden girls were having a joint celebration of their 60th birthdays. Unfortunately Fe has the big C and has had to have a masectomy and cannot travel. However they will spend time together in London, before heading to France.

the 47ers

the 47ers
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Lois and Neil Crighton.

the 47ers

the 47ers
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Together with our partners.Warren and i met at college. We have been married for 35 years. Lois and Neil both went to JCE and have been married for a few more years and Patty and John also met at college. Mary and Gavin come from Zambia and also have been married forever. All four men have been headmasters and all the wives are teachers. Lois, Patty and I trained together as did the men.
What a wonderful weekend was had by all.

the 47ers

the 47ers
Originally uploaded by thebodens
This is the year of the Golden Pig and also the year of the Big 6 for many of us.
It was decided that we should celebrate together in Kruger Park. We booked two cottages at Berg en Dahl. We worked in teams and took turns to supply the meals. Patty's birthday is in January followed by Mary in Feb and then Gavin and then mine is in March. Lois brings up the rear celebrating hers in July. That's 300 years between the five of us!!
Penny, Lois, Gavin, Mary and Patty.

Toti tsunami

Toti tsunami
Originally uploaded by thebodens
The "baby" pool has disappeared altogether! One wonders if this area will ever be restored to its original condition before the holiday makers descend on KZN.

Toti Tsunami

Toti Tsunami
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Back in Toti life is never dull. We experienced our "Tsunami" and had a bird's eye view of events. This is the swimming pool area as the waves crash over the wall.

Cape Town

Cape Town
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So all good things come to an end. What a lovely month we have had meeting up with friends and family and getting glimpses into their lives.
We have travelled along some of the most wonderful and scenic routes in South Africa. Doing this trip before we set off for Asia has been so inspiring. It has been very special to catch up with our friends and our family.

Cape Town

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Bring your own.....what a wonderful experience this restaurant is set on the sand amongst fishing nets. The meal has about eight courses and lasts for hours. The food is all typical Cape Malay and consists of lots of fresh fish. Another very special day.

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Mark and Almarie live nearby. It was good to spend time with them and to catch up on their news.
We all went up the coast to the "Strandloper" restaurant. They are both looking well and love living in the Cape.

Cape Town

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Granny Aunty Penny reading stories to the girls.

Cape Town

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It was Morgan's third birthday and she enjoyed her party so much. She nibbled and munched away at all the snacks and sweeties. What a darling little girl. Hassel is an architect and works from home. He fetches and carries Morgan to nursery school every day.

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Joanne and Hassel live in the city and have two beautiful daughters.
Joanne teaches at Maddy's school, so they go off together every day.
Maddy is such a beautiful child.


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Rosemary and Burt are wonderful friends to Lang and Marion. They invited us over for a meal and we had loads of fun.
Rosemary is a "dog saver" and has about eight little dogs she has rescued and is looking after.


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Pretty blooms taken in Marion,s garden.


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Stephne, Marion's sister and Lou her husband spend lots of time together. They only live a few blocks apart.
Lou and Steph also take their dog for walks on the beach so they often pop in when they pass the King,s house.

Cape Town

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Langley and his brother in law Lou Tovell.
It was good to spend quality time with Langley and Marion in Melkbos. Lang's health is not great and we did try and help out as much as possible. Marion is so happy living close to the sea and early every orning she takes the dogs for a walk on the beach.

Cape Town

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What could be more beautiful than the Cape?
We had almost three glorious weeks staying in Melkbos with Lang and Marion.
This has to be on of the most beautiful views ever.
Little did we know that just a few weeks later Tish would get so ill. She woke up during the night not feeling well and then all sorts of strange things started happening to her. Frans had to get an ambulance to take her into the hospital in George. Nicky flew down from JHB. and for awhile things were really bad. We were in Kruger when we received the scarey news and we were extremely worried.
The good news is that after a few days Tish came out of her coma and could go home. Tests show that medicine she had been taking caused her condition.
Warren and I are so glad she is better and hope it stays that way as we have many more fun times ahead.

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The busy farmers were able to take a day off and we went picnicking up in the mountains. A little glass of chilled wine out in the open, while reminiscing about life, is just what the doctor ordered.


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Frans and Tish Venter live on a beautiful farm near George. They farm Pears. It was good to see them and we learnt so much about farming pears! In particular we enjoyed their pear liquor. Frans said we such good guests we could come back anytime!! We would LOVE to!


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Daniel loves cricket. Warren had to go along and watch his cricket practice. Here he is doing "suduko" ....great for his maths and logic.


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Gemma has grown in a lovely young girl. she loves crafts and in particular beading. We had fun putting a few beads together.


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Susha teaches at Gemma's school and does the P.R. work.
Susha and Martin have such a beautiful and interesting home.


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Martin works for The Presidents Award which is such an interesting job.Here he is going off to work while we laze away,


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Martin and Susha Scholtz run a B anB from their beautiful home in Grahamstown and were kind enough to have us stay for two nights. It was wonderful catching up and seeing where they work and live.


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A view of Clive and Terry's property.


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Terry went to a great deal of trouble and prepared a lovely lunch for us. Their home is in a beautiful setting.Thanks for having us Terry and Clive.
Thanks for taking us on a tour of your property Clive.


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I have not seen my cousin Terry and her husband Clive for many, many years. It was good connecting and visiting them on their farm. Terry takes great pride in her vegetable farming when she is not occupied with her children. Unfortunately Samantha is away at boarding school and Kendal was not home from day school so we did not get to meet them.
what a pity the family is so scattered.

The Steyn family.

Lindy nee Steyn, her hubby Gerhard and two beautiful children joined us for breakfast before we set off. It was lovely seeing and meeting them all.