Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
From the verandah of our hotel we could watch the world at play. The island children played for ours in and out of the water. everytime A boat was coming in the bigger children would swimout and clamber all over the boats


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The second island we visited was very different to Boracay. It was beautiful and we could snorkel off the island. Our hotel was right on the beach and we had our own kitchenette. despite being out of season the island was humming and the Girlie Bars doing great business. Unfortunately at night there was an air of seediness about the island.
During the day we had a wonderful time.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
It was time to say goodbye to Nick and Moira as they were returning to K.L. and we were going onto a second island.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Eggs come in all sorts of colours and sizes.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Anyone for fresh fish?

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Many of the markets are situated around the churches and one can buy all sorts of religious icons.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Need a new dress for Church? The Philippines are mainly Catholics and there are beautiful churches everywhere. The poverty is frightening.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Wow! the people, the heat, the vendors.....it was all too much.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
After a week on this beautiful island we returned to Manilla where Nick and Moira attended a wedding and we explored the markets.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
This is a very smart Tuk-tuk. The shinier the better.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Transport on the island is still rather limited. we love piling in these "TukTuks."

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
These guys were having fun trying to make a living selling their beads.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Island Life is Island life. People tend to do things the hard way but still this does not dampen the spirit.

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
The colours at sunset were absolutely wonderful. All the pinks and blues imaginable.

Monday, July 30, 2007

The Philippines

The Philippines
Originally uploaded by thebodens
This time Nick and Moira were with us. They really needed a week to chill. This was the most perfect place to do just that. Our hotel was right across from the main beach and the next week was spent relaxing on the various beaches on the island.
No sooner had we unpacked, dusted the Indian dust off and we were off to the Philippines. This time we had to pack sparingly as the weight of the luggage could not exceed 10 kgs as we would use a smaller plane to get us to the islands. After a 31/2 hour flight we were whisked off in/on a "tricycle" to the domestic airport for an hours flight to Catadan where we caught the ferry to Boracay Island.

Fort Cochin.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
My last treat while in India was to see a show. This is known as ...........
it is an all make caste and is all about mime and action. Fortunately we were given an explanation of what was going on otherwise I would have been totally lost. You are encouraged to arrive early and watch the boys making themselves up. Maybe that was the beat part because by the end of the performance most of the audience had walked out. Hand fans were supplied but the heat was awful.
However, it was a great way to en our trip to India.

Fort Kochin

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Another magnificent elephant quilt which just took my breath away. I wish I was an importer of quilts....what fun but it could be a dilemma choosing the correct quilts. The choices are huge, the quilts are superb.

Fort Cochin

Originally uploaded by thebodens
The work and colours in this quilt are magnificent and I would love to have taken that one home with me.
Each square is finished in a different way and is heavily beaded and embroidered.

Fort Cochin.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
In between all the lovely furniture are beautiful quilts tucked away. I loved this elephant quilt. It is applique and the seams are covered with chain stitch.

Fort Cochin

Originally uploaded by thebodens
This was to be our last stop. Another favourite place of ours in Kerala. We love to explore Jew Town and this time we were on the search for a gift for Moira's 30th. The shops in this area are Aladdin's caves with all their intriguing treasures. Here I am standing looking at the world's largest "bowl" ever. It was so hot I felt like jumping into the water.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Soon it was time to bid our friends farewell. Here Jose and Thomas are taking our luggage on their bikes to the bus stop. They must wonder what on earth we have in those big suitcases.
We love Malayolam Resort and our friends there and wonder whether we will ever come back again. I really struggled with the heat and vowed that I have done India.....will I change my mind when I think back on the lovely people we meet wherever we go?


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Aren't these the most amazing looking fruit. The Durians look great but smell bad!!


Originally uploaded by thebodens
I am so grateful that I never got sick and had to be taken to the "Henry Ford Hospital" It just does not look conducive to getting well.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
It was so relaxing sitting on the verandah out side our room and watching the river traffic pass by. It was a bit like the royal wave as everyone passed by and noticed us.


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Before too long we were off to our favourite spot in Kerala, Malayolam Resort. It was wonderful seeing our friends, Rosie, Thomas and Jose.
Despite the heat we had a wonderful few days there.


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Thomas is well travelled and well read and we enjoyed catching up with him.


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Thomas, Shoba's brother invited us to visit him in Kottyam. He is a professor at the local school of journalism He lives a little out of town and it was very restful sitting on his verandah and discussing World affairs.


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This is a photo of a photo and is of the entire Philips family at Mathew's wedding. It sounds as though it was truly festive!


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It was lovely meeting up with Aby and Shoba again and to see how happy they are living back in India. They are wonderful people and we appreciate all their kindness and hospitality. it certainly is different seeing a place with people who live here.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
These are the decorations outside the hall where the wedding was to take place. I think they are so inviting!

Monday, July 02, 2007


Originally uploaded by thebodens
The folk were very friendly and invited us to join their wedding festivities.


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We visited the beaches outside the town near the well known Ashram.


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One of the delightful Rues of Pondichery.


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Puduchery or Pondichery is known as the Venice of the East. The town still has strong French influences and is divided into the French Quarter and the Tamil section. Many of the residents speak French and hold French passports.


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Our next stop was Pondochery. We were keen to see this Indian town which is known for it's French influences, I think this may explain one of the influences.


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Ths magnificent temple on the shores of the Bay of Bengal was the real reason for us to come to this area.


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Should you get ill there is always this hospital to pop into,


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Rather and amusing and unusual name for a hotel.


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I would have loved to have taken this piece home with me.


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I found this situation rather amusing. The carver next to the carving.
This area is known for its marble and stone carvings and there are beautiful pieces for sale.


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As I mentioned it was extremely hot and everyone had their mid day rest no matter where they were. Town pretty much came to a halt.


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This delightful fellow sang for me and then invited me to come to the temple that night to share in all the festivities. We did go to the temple and watched the activities. It was fascinating.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
I am always amazed how women wear saris no matter where or what they are doing....here are women working on a building site carrying bricks on their heads and still wearing their beautiful saris. I wonder why they dont think of a more practical outfit while doing this hard work.


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I thought this sign indicating where the hotel is situated was most appealing with it's "greenish" garden. In fact it was a great find and the gardens were indeed greenish. A it was extremely hot it was great to be able to pop back to the hotel and take refuge in the air conditioned room after exploring one of the many sites.
Mamalaporam is about 60 kms. from Chennai airport and can be reached easily by taxi or bus.

Sunday, July 01, 2007


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Warren had taken great care in organising our trip to India. We were going to stick to the South of India as it is a little late in the season and bound to be too hot to enjoy the North.We traveled on trains, planes, auto rickshaws, buses, ferry's boats etc.The first leg was K.L. to Chennai where we caught a bus to Mamalaprodam.

Originally uploaded by moiratrapper
Back to K.L. where I had intensive treatment for my back with both Nick and Moira.
Soon we are setting off for India.

The Perhentians

The Perhentians
Originally uploaded by thebodens
Island life is certainly very relaxing for grandma and grandpa as they rest under the trees.
It was extremely hot and not the best time to come to the island but it is my favourite place and I love the snorkeling. The biggest thrill is spotting a turtle!!

The Perhentians

The Perhentians
Originally uploaded by thebodens
These two cousins had great fun dressing up and playing together.

The Perhentians

The Perhentians
Originally uploaded by thebodens
At Mama's the whole family is involved in running the resort and several of the daughters and daughters in law have babies and young children to take care of. I thought this rather innovative for the youngest baba to take her daily nap in. This "hammock" Is suspended from a huge big tree outside the restaurant and within earshot. Whoever passes by gives it a little rock.

The Perhentians

The Perhentians
Originally uploaded by thebodens
This is the little cabin we stayed in. It was extremely hot so we spent lots of time either on the beach snorkeling or relaxing on our little verandah.