Thursday, November 29, 2007

Yesterday was Molly's second birthday. We stayed up till 11:30 the night before which meant with the time difference we could watch her open her birthday presentsand wish her! I think every day is a happy birthday for Molly as she is so special and often getting pressies. We also had a glimpse of Hannah and as always she looks so calm and beautiful! Chris and Diana make beautiful babies!! I am sure they all had a lovely day celebrating.
Yesterday I finished the jacket I was making and it looks beautiful but HUGE. Fortunately Colleen is tall and has broad shoulders so maybe it will be okay I so enjoyed making it, I would like to make a smaller jacket using the turquoise colour palette.
I went across to Robyn and made my first Christmas Cake. My oven is too erratic and small to risk using.
Photies to follow!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Molly and Hannah

Originally uploaded by bodech
This has got to beone of the cutest photies ever! I just love it
What beautiful girls we have.