Saturday, July 22, 2006


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I used loads of beads, buttons,feathers, quills, charms and safety pins. I should have done loads more time.
This quilt is loaded with memories.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Several of these fabrics conjure up such lovely memories. Top left is a bit left over from a suit I made for my Mother, the spots are from a pieceleft over from De Holley's pants, the butterfly from one of the loveliest mahia's we had.
What a super way to use up my scraps.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A close up showing my favourite little guinea fowl.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
My African quilt, named "Emoya", I used several precious pieces I have been saving since living in Swaziland.
This quilt was such fun to do, especially the embellishments.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Malaysian Batiks.

Malaysian Batiks.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A close up of one of the lovely batiks. Malaysia really does produce some lovely fabrics. I am so pleased I am all stocked up for when I go home.

Malaysian Batiks

Malaysian Batiks
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These are the divine little batiks used in the quilt and guess what! Ezel treated me to a set (20) different designs to take home and use. I spent the rest of the day stroking them and imagining how lovely a quilt using these would look
Thanks to Esel I had one of the happiest days ever and I hope we are able to keep in touch. I have never had a Turkish friend before.

Cottage Patch.

Cottage Patch.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Ezel and I loved this one too, It is using Malaysian batiks and is just lovely. I have worked out how to do this and may try it at home.
I love working with traditional fabrics so this is a great pattern to use.

Cottage Patch

Cottage Patch
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Ezel and I just loved this little Geisha quilt using Japanese prints. We have promised when I return next year and should she be living here we will do a course together and maybe this is a good option.

Cottage Patch.

Cottage Patch.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is the owner, Chan and he did not mind giving up his time to show us around and get his girls to pull out lots of wonderful quilts for us to see. Can you believe it the batteries in my camera were annoying.
It was an honour visiting this shop and connecting because our guild at home is called Cottage Patch too!!!

Cottage Patch

Cottage Patch
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Thanks to my new friend Ezel Ucok, who also is a keen quilter I had the time of my life yesterday. After a coffee at her lovely home, lunch in a great little Italian restaurant ,she brought me to Cottage Patch. My head ws spinning with all the wonderful quilts inside.

Cottage Patch

Cottage Patch
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
At last, at last.....Cottage Patch. The biggest and best Patchwork/quilting shop in Kualu Lumpur. No wonder I have never found it with it's modest signage.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Note te same little scarf on Dad's head and then also being used as a seat for Junior! How versatile can you be. They have been known to be useful when towing cars, bandaging wounds and anything imaginable.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These traditional scarves are worn by all the country people and also at special occasions. They are VERY strong as the next picture will show you.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These three little prints were purchased in the markets in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The selection of fabrics there are wonderful but these just caught my eye.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I had to buy a few of these "housecoats" for myself and my friends. We will use them just to chill in!! Unfortunately the colours run so after wearing them on a warm day you can change colour. Nevertheless, I love this turqouise.

Fabric-Tie and Dye

Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Tie and Dye Fabric.
Many saris in Jaipur are tie and dye and very beautiful. The resist is done by sewing thread through the fabric and drawing them tightly. After dying the thread is released. Voila....beautiful designs.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I just had to buy a few of these bags to give to my friends....they are bright and happy. They WILL be noticed.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Look at these divine little doorknobs in Kerala India....Thanks for the tip Tess. We are going to enjoy using them in our home.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Who could resist these little Thai fabrics.....I was obviously on the search for "pink" fabric and was not disappointed.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Some lovely Indian fabrics which I am going to share with my sister and they are perfect to use as table cloths.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A close up of the lovely flowers used in the design. They would look good quilted and beaded too. It is almost a pity to have to cut up these lovely flowers.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A collection of beautiful Malaysian fabrics used in Moira and Nick's quilt.
I have stocked up so can make another lovely quilt when we get home. One of the many quilts I intend doing.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Penny's Prattle.
While based in K.L. Malaysia I found the most wonderful second hand book shop where I purchased many great books. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to take them home as our suitcases are bursting at the seams with fabric, fabric, fabrics. So I thought I should just list them so I can at least recommend them to everybody.
A fine balance=Rohinton Mistry
Strange fits of passion=Anita Shreve
The book of Ruth=Jane Hamilton
Purple Hibiscus-Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche
A Lesson Before dyng=Ernest J Gaines
Mother of Pearl=Melinda Haynes
Before Women Had Wings- Connie May Fowler.
I am just starting another Anita Shreve and am trying to keep it for the flight home....not easy.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A rather lovely shop window. Good ideas for a quilt.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Last days in Singapore.

Originally uploaded by bodech.
We are off, leaving Singapore and have to say goodbye to the family. I will miss my daily walks with pushing Molly in the pram and enjoying the sights and sounds. It has been a lovely two weeks and we take lots of precious memories with us.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Flora from Singapore.

Flora from Singapore.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
What a beautiful day it is!! It is our last day in Singapore at the end of our 5+ month stay in Asia.
Molly and I have enjoyed our daily walks and have marvelled at the beautiful blooms that adorn the pavements.
Singapore is an efficient,clean,green city and we have had a great time.

Molly's quilt

Molly's quilt
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A little "love" quilt I made to welcome Molly into the world. Pink is her colour and the hearts show our love for her.

The Nunu quilt.

The Nunu quilt.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is a little "nunu" quilt, also made for Olivia. It depicts some of the little creatures we find in the bush in South Africa.

Noah's Ark Quilt.

Noah's Ark Quilt.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is the centre of the quilt showing Mr Noah keeping guard over his valuable load!!

Noah's Ark quilt.

Noah's Ark quilt.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This is such a dear little quilt I made in 2004 for Olivia.It was such fun to make. The story of Noah is one of my favourite stories from the Old Testament.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Penny's Prattle.
I really intend writing in my blog regularly but would like to keep it creative and at this stage of my life I am still many kilometers away from my "creative" space in terms of physical space. I am in Singapore enjoying every minute with our grandaughter and return to K.L. Malaysia on the weekend. We are waitlisted for a flight back to South Africa a week later. However,Im using the time constructively and enjoying exploring the net and reading everybody else's blogs. It is so inspiring and such a learning curve. I appreciate it where people have gone to the trouble of putting new ways of doing things in a step by step blog e.g. making postcard quilts. I have learnt about "Ralli quilts" from India and although I spent a month in India had never heard of them! Next year when we return I am definitely going to seek them out. I have also been able to see the wonderful quilts from the Tokyo Festival and the winners from the "Sands of time" festival back home. Well done to those who record their ramblings, musings thoughts and inspirations. KNOW that out there, there are people like me who benefit greatly from them all.

Monday, July 10, 2006

De Holley's pottery.

De Holley's pottery.
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These are two beautiful little dishes my friend De Holley created. De lives in Tanzania now and is doing great work out there in the bush.

Patchwork evening

Patchwork evening
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
This WAS the Tuesday group when I lived in White River, South Africa. My wonderful friends and I would meet every Tuesday night at Liz Harris's home. She owns the best table imaginable to work on! Anne Hollmann and Sue Van Niekerk, together with Liz Mac (absent) and I, had great times together. Opening a bottle of "pink" helped, as we let the creative juices flow!!
I miss you girls so much!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Paw-paws in Bali.

Originally uploaded by bodech.
Diana took this great photie and I think it would look super as a little "postcard" quilt. The greens are so rich and lush. The contrast between the roundish shapes and the straight lines ,is amazing.
I think nature is amazing.
Penny's Prattle.
There are so many wonderful sights of the ruins which can be seen on our travel blog
Now I am trying to get my head around on the "How to?"
Any one out there got any suggestions? I would love to hear from you.

Angkor Wat

Originally uploaded by moiratrapper.
Isn't this too beautiful for words. The saffron robes are such a contrast to the stone carvings.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
How about this Tree of life? If you look very closely you can see all sorts of little creatures hopping about.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Or these steps!! A bit of an optical illusion. We had such fun trying to get interesting pics and avoiding tourists.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
How about this warrior?


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Visiting the temples at Angkor Wat is a photographer's dream and there are many designs and ideas to put into quilts.

Siem Reap

Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Moira and I just loved visiting the Textile workhouse and enjoyed watching the weavers at work.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
The weather was unbelievably hot whilst we were in Siem Reap. We were warned against having ice in our drinks so when I saw this I just had to laugh. How original. Cold Lychees is such a good idea.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
In June 2006 we went off to Cambodia. I just loved some of the goodies being sold in the markets and need to incorporate them into a quilt somehow.
Evidently these are "lotus flowers."


Fabrics 002
Originally uploaded by thebodens.
So what did I buy? Lots of lovely beads for Moira, a couple of gifts and these lovely little prints. They are all cut into 30x30 squares and have the loveliest feel about them. Moira was amazed when I showed them to her and said"Those are not you, Penny!" Well I need to break out and stock up on pretty little pieces..just in case! In case of what I am not sure. I think it is having this new little granddaughter that has gone to my head.
Needless to say I also stocked up on some Thai pieces which I just LOVE to bits and will publish pics of them when I get back to Base.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Just another lovely image to share.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Just some beautiful images of food cooking in the street stalls.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
A visit to he Doll Museum was such fun. It is situated in the grounds of a private home in the suburbs. On the way there I met up with such interesting women who invited me into their home and shared much information about their families.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Anyone for a beautifully beaded bag? One wonders just how much the beaders get paid when you hear how little these lovely bags were selling for.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
I will have a bit of this and a bit of that.....just toomany choices. Fabrics in the markets in Chinatown are to die for. I spent hours looking, touching, dreaming! What fun.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
These plastic baubles look good enough to eat.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
Spoilt for choices.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
In Chinatown you can buy almost anything. The markets are wholesale markets and the prices are amazing.


Originally uploaded by thebodens.
In May 2006, we were off to Bangkok and booked into our favourite little Hotel near Chinatown. This whole area is one moving,noisy, colourful ALIVE blur!! We love it and this time were on the search for beads for Moira.