Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Penny's Prattle.
While based in K.L. Malaysia I found the most wonderful second hand book shop where I purchased many great books. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to take them home as our suitcases are bursting at the seams with fabric, fabric, fabrics. So I thought I should just list them so I can at least recommend them to everybody.
A fine balance=Rohinton Mistry
Strange fits of passion=Anita Shreve
The book of Ruth=Jane Hamilton
Purple Hibiscus-Chimamanda Ngozi Adiche
A Lesson Before dyng=Ernest J Gaines
Mother of Pearl=Melinda Haynes
Before Women Had Wings- Connie May Fowler.
I am just starting another Anita Shreve and am trying to keep it for the flight home....not easy.

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