Sunday, September 02, 2007

3rd September,2007.
It is countdown before we return to South Africa so we are doing all those last minute things!
Last night we went off for Thai massages using the gift vouchers I received for teaching the Ong children. What a massage......Muie was the girl's name who massage me. She got her elbows and finger into every muscle in my back and shoulders.....and it hurt! Massaging is not for ninnies the way the Thai girls do it. I far prefer their technique to the Ayurvedic massage I had in India. One is not quite so exposed and the oils are far more pleasant smelling. Unfortunately the rooms we went to in Kerala were so grubby and basic which also put me off. Nest time we need to go to an slightly more upmarket place and then maybe we will come away feeling good.
I also read the debate by David Bullard about blogging....Maybe my blog is drivel but it is my drivel and I love it. Fortunately I am not a would be journalist but I do like to have a record of my travels and happenings and this way works for me. Each to his own.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

1st September, 2007.
This is a busy time of the year for honouring those people who have contributed so much to our lives. This is the 10th anniversary since Princess Diana died and her sons organised a wonderful church service to remember her. Prince William and Prince Harry spoke beautifully and Diana can be so proud of her boys.
As suggested, it is time to move on and to stop the speculation which surrounds her death.
Ten years ago Christopher set off for London, Dennis Gazard died, and later in the year Jean Boden died. I was not a good year for the Boden family in general.
Let us move on!! Look where everybody is now!!
31st August, 2007.
Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka.
It is great to be in K.L. while the nation celebrates fifty years of independence from British rule.
There is such a festive atmosphere wherever we go with flags flying off buildings, out of cars and by people everywhere. Huge fireworks displays were planned with all sorts of wonderful ceremonies. Being on the 32nd floor overlooking KLCC we thought we would see a great deal of action at midnight and friends gathered with us. However, it was all a bit of a damp squib as very little could be seen from here. Much of the festivities took place over in Putrajaya and we could just enjoy all the happenings on the tele. Oh well that also means we did not have to get stuck in the traffic for hours as K.L. is well known for it's "jam." Friday was a public holiday which is great for Nick and Moira as they could just chill at home.

29th August,2007.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
I felt so proud today as I watched the unveiling of a nine foot bronze statue of Nelson Mandela in London. Donald Woods a great anti apartheid activist was behind this project support by all sorts of wonderful people including Richard Attenborough.
It is wonderful that this happened while Nelson is healthy enough to attend the function himself. This was a wonderful tribute to him, the finest statesman ever.