Saturday, September 01, 2007

31st August, 2007.
Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka.
It is great to be in K.L. while the nation celebrates fifty years of independence from British rule.
There is such a festive atmosphere wherever we go with flags flying off buildings, out of cars and by people everywhere. Huge fireworks displays were planned with all sorts of wonderful ceremonies. Being on the 32nd floor overlooking KLCC we thought we would see a great deal of action at midnight and friends gathered with us. However, it was all a bit of a damp squib as very little could be seen from here. Much of the festivities took place over in Putrajaya and we could just enjoy all the happenings on the tele. Oh well that also means we did not have to get stuck in the traffic for hours as K.L. is well known for it's "jam." Friday was a public holiday which is great for Nick and Moira as they could just chill at home.

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