Thursday, November 29, 2007

Yesterday was Molly's second birthday. We stayed up till 11:30 the night before which meant with the time difference we could watch her open her birthday presentsand wish her! I think every day is a happy birthday for Molly as she is so special and often getting pressies. We also had a glimpse of Hannah and as always she looks so calm and beautiful! Chris and Diana make beautiful babies!! I am sure they all had a lovely day celebrating.
Yesterday I finished the jacket I was making and it looks beautiful but HUGE. Fortunately Colleen is tall and has broad shoulders so maybe it will be okay I so enjoyed making it, I would like to make a smaller jacket using the turquoise colour palette.
I went across to Robyn and made my first Christmas Cake. My oven is too erratic and small to risk using.
Photies to follow!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Molly and Hannah

Originally uploaded by bodech
This has got to beone of the cutest photies ever! I just love it
What beautiful girls we have.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

3rd September,2007.
It is countdown before we return to South Africa so we are doing all those last minute things!
Last night we went off for Thai massages using the gift vouchers I received for teaching the Ong children. What a massage......Muie was the girl's name who massage me. She got her elbows and finger into every muscle in my back and shoulders.....and it hurt! Massaging is not for ninnies the way the Thai girls do it. I far prefer their technique to the Ayurvedic massage I had in India. One is not quite so exposed and the oils are far more pleasant smelling. Unfortunately the rooms we went to in Kerala were so grubby and basic which also put me off. Nest time we need to go to an slightly more upmarket place and then maybe we will come away feeling good.
I also read the debate by David Bullard about blogging....Maybe my blog is drivel but it is my drivel and I love it. Fortunately I am not a would be journalist but I do like to have a record of my travels and happenings and this way works for me. Each to his own.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

1st September, 2007.
This is a busy time of the year for honouring those people who have contributed so much to our lives. This is the 10th anniversary since Princess Diana died and her sons organised a wonderful church service to remember her. Prince William and Prince Harry spoke beautifully and Diana can be so proud of her boys.
As suggested, it is time to move on and to stop the speculation which surrounds her death.
Ten years ago Christopher set off for London, Dennis Gazard died, and later in the year Jean Boden died. I was not a good year for the Boden family in general.
Let us move on!! Look where everybody is now!!
31st August, 2007.
Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka.
It is great to be in K.L. while the nation celebrates fifty years of independence from British rule.
There is such a festive atmosphere wherever we go with flags flying off buildings, out of cars and by people everywhere. Huge fireworks displays were planned with all sorts of wonderful ceremonies. Being on the 32nd floor overlooking KLCC we thought we would see a great deal of action at midnight and friends gathered with us. However, it was all a bit of a damp squib as very little could be seen from here. Much of the festivities took place over in Putrajaya and we could just enjoy all the happenings on the tele. Oh well that also means we did not have to get stuck in the traffic for hours as K.L. is well known for it's "jam." Friday was a public holiday which is great for Nick and Moira as they could just chill at home.

29th August,2007.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
I felt so proud today as I watched the unveiling of a nine foot bronze statue of Nelson Mandela in London. Donald Woods a great anti apartheid activist was behind this project support by all sorts of wonderful people including Richard Attenborough.
It is wonderful that this happened while Nelson is healthy enough to attend the function himself. This was a wonderful tribute to him, the finest statesman ever.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Originally uploaded by thebodens
This is a close up of the Buddha's face, which is very pleasing.

Khota Baru

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On the way to the airport the taxi driver stopped off at a Hindu Temple which the local Thai community have set up and they boast with this magnificent statue of Buddha.
The biggest in Asia?

The Perhentians-August 2007.

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Nick and Moira concentrating on the divemaster and his words of wisdom.

The Perhentians-August 2007.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Nick and Moira did two dives which was part of Nick's treat for his birthday. He was able to enjoy and use his new underwater watch which Moira had given him.

The Perhentians-August 2007.

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A bat or flying fox as it is known which Warren spotted in a tree on the way back to our chalet.

The Perhentians-August 2007.

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This is Turtle Bay where we snorkelled and managed to see a great big Loggerhead Turtle. It was such a wonderful few days.

Khota Baru

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On the way to the Perhentians with Nick and Moira who have taken a day off so we can celebrate Nick's birthday on the island.

Kuala Lumpur.

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Gracie sixty going on sixteen.

kualu Lumpur

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Sally, an assistant in the rooms in Melouri where Moira works.

Kuala Lumpur.

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Kimmy came along as well although she needs no help or extra classes. She was loads of fun and is growing into a delightful young lady.

Kuala Lumpur.

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Kenneth Ong, son of Susan and Thomas is moving to a new school and needed lessons to help bridge the gap. I was approached to help him.

Kuala Lumpur.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
During our travels we learnt to make sushi...still a little messy but with practice we will get better.

Kuala Lumpur.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Real South African boerewors bought from Pick and Pay by andrew a pilot for Air Malaysia!!!! Lekker.

Kuala Lumpur.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Doctor Jean invited to a real South African Braai to be held at Thomas's home.
Moira made loads of salads and Jean provided the meat.

Kualu Lumpur

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While on our travels we have learnt to make sushi. Warren has found a good source for fresh salmon and Korveya was very keen to learn how and give a hand.
How wonderful it is to have her help every day!

Kualu Lumpur

Originally uploaded by thebodens
15th August 2007 we are back in K.L. I am continuing with treatment for my back, finishing my beading course and helping Moira finish her quilt for her parents.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Soon it was time for us to leave and return to Malaysia. Thanks to Diana and Christopher, Molly and Hannah Jean for having us to stay.
Hopefully we will see you back in South Africa next year.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Molly at her music lesson. Here she is saying "Hullo Mr C" Molly thoroughly enjoys her music lessons and it gives Diana a chance to meet other Mums with children of the same age.


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Dad is very good about taking Molly out on the weekends for different treats. Whilst there we joined them and went to the Saturday Market and Molly had great fun chatting to all the farm animals.


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Cousin Mali from Noosa came to visit and was so fascinated by Hannah. Molly was rather protective and made sure Mali did not get too close.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Being back with Molly was loads of fun! I just loved dressing her every day for whatever activities we were undertaking.


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Bathtime....Hannah and Diana ....Hannah took to the water just like a duck....!


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Granny and Poppie are so proud of our little baba and loved nothing more than nursing her.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
At last we get to meet Hannah Jean who was born on the 19th July, 2007. She is a beautiful contented little girl quietly watching all the activities around her. Thank you Christopher and Diana for giving us another beautiful granddaughter. We are truly blessed.

Blue Mountains.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Thanks to Jacqui for her hospitality, her car and her friendship. We have enjoyed exploring this area outside Sydney and understand why you have chosen to live there. We wish you much happiness and look forward to seeing you back in South Africa.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Blue Mountains.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
At last we got to see the Three Sisters. Note the blue haze arising from the mountains in the distance.

Yarra river

Originally uploaded by thebodens
I just LOVE watching these creatures. I would love a pair of slippers made out of their coats if it did not mean hurting them.

Blue Mountains.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
This fellow took great delight in inviting all the girls to sit next to him and then proceeded to "smooooooooch" them! A tourist's delight.

Richmond area.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
This shop brags of having 3000 is the most amazing collection ever. In fact I thought I had died and gone to heaven as I looked around at all the quaint sort of Victoriana goodies for sale. Needless to say I resisted......not easy!

Yarra river

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Jazz in the winter sun and a few glasses of lovely cold wine.....a great way to round off our tour along the Yarra River Valley.
It had a decidedly French feel about it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Richmond Sydney

Originally uploaded by thebodens
A beautiful winter tree!

Richmond Sydney

Originally uploaded by thebodens
I have decided I could die and be buried in Australia. Many of the cemetries are well kept and have fresh flowers put on the grave stones. They are interesting to walk around. This child died in 1855 !

Richmond Sydney

Originally uploaded by thebodens
It was good to catch up with Jacqui who taught with us in Big Bend.
Jacqui picked us up at Sydney airport and took us on a little tour of the city!
Jacqui is teaching at a para-catholic school in the next village and is kept very busy with her long day!


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Come on you two...not in the kitchen!
Thanks to both of you for a wonderful two and a half weeks.It was wonderful to reconnect. Good luck in Brissie!

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Exhaustion.....Lester, Mandy, Warren and I had loads of fun playing many games of scrabble but it was all too much for the King of the game, as he and the cat passed out each evening!!


Originally uploaded by thebodens
One not so dear little Possum watching and waiting. They are very cute at a distance but when they enter the house and claw you it is not so amusing. mmmmm


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One brave over sixty year old!! Well done Warren. Hope you don't get the flu.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Which of the brave boys was going to take the plunge? mmmmm
Lester was all dressed for the expedition but could he do it?


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Back in Townsville, we had loads of fun with Les and Mandy. Lester dropped a whole pack of soda into the pool and it happened to be a chilly day! WHO was going to get into the pool and save the day?

Mosman Falls

Originally uploaded by thebodens
On the way back we came via the interior and enjoyed seeing the Mosman Falls.


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We went as far north as Daintree which is a quaint little settlement on the river. It is lush and green.
This is where Diana worked with Muz and Pru before Chris moved to Australia.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
This is the outside view of the quaint church.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
This has to be the most beautiful church ever! It is in Port Douglas overlooking the ocean. This is a view of the altar with the windows opening on to the most glorious view ever. What a wonderful place to reflect and pray. It is an Anglican church too.


Originally uploaded by thebodens
Doesn't this crazy house just blow you away. This house owner is windmill crazy.


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Look at this beautiful stretch of beach and no swimmers.


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We borrowed the car and went exploring further up the coast northwards. We went as far as Cairns, Port Douglas and Daintree. This is such a lovely coastline however, swimming is just too dangerous. This is due to "stingers' and fresh water crocodiles.

Originally uploaded by thebodens
Lester loves his Harley Davidson! Warren and I enjoyed having rides on the back!! I have waited all my life for this great experience! Whoopee!!!


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Here Warren, Lester and Mandy set off on a sprightly walk up Castle Hill.
A certain person had a few aches and pains once he got back to base.